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  • Lee Storrow

Joint Statement from NC AIDS Action Network and Latinos in the Deep South


DATE: July 11, 2018

CONTACT: Christina Adeleke, North Carolina AIDS Action Network,, (305) 588-4373

Joint Statement from NC AIDS Action Network and Latinos in the Deep South

Estamos profundamente indignados con los informes que la administración Trump esta planificando de los aumentos en las separaciones de las familias, lo que podría separan miles de más niños de sus padres. Los líderes políticos de ambos partidos han criticado la política de separación de los niños de inhumana, y debe detenerse inmediatamente.

Igualmente preocupante son los informes de que la expansión del programa será financiado con los fondos desviados para el tratamiento del VIH desde el Programa de VIH/SIDA Ryan White, un programa federal que ayuda a las personas sin seguro y que viven con el VIH. Los fondos destinados a cuidado médico se deberían usar para poner a niños y bebés en jaulas.

We are deeply outraged to reports that the Trump administration is planning for increases in family separations, potentially separating thousands of more children from their parents. Political leaders of both parties have decried the child separation policy as inhumane, and it should be halted immediately.

Equally concerning are reports that the expansion of the program will be funded from diverted funding for HIV treatment from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, a federal program that supports uninsured and underinsured people living with HIV. Funds directed for healthcare should not be used to put children and babies in cages.

- Lee Storrow, Executive Director, NC AIDS Action Network and Judith Montenegro, Program Director, Latinos in the Deep South


The NC AIDS Action Network improves the lives of people living with HIV & AIDS and affected communities through outreach and public education, policy advocacy and community-building to increase visibility and mutual support of people living with HIV & AIDS throughout the state of North Carolina.

Latinos in the Deep South is a program coordinated by the Latino Commission on AIDS that aims to build local leadership, develop networks and coalitions, enhance knowledge and cultural competency, and spur actions to address the needs of the emerging Latino/Hispanic populations in the Deep South.

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